23 April 2013

Baby Steps

As I formulate my game plan for accomplishing the items on my To-Do List, I have a couple small improvements to share, which will hopefully get the creative juices flowing and motivate me to tackle some bigger projects.

Just over a week ago, I turned...sigh...30 (I guess that means it’s time to update the About section, since I’m no longer “a newlywed, dangerously-close-to-30, Architectural Intern”)!  My aunt gave me these beautiful flowers for my birthday, which the kittens promptly destroyed.  

This photo's a little blurry, but it shows the crazy
look in Selma's eye when she was near the flowers.
After cleaning up flower remains, I was left with a lovely vase that reminds me of a smaller version of my Palmetto Vase, and I decided to keep it out as a decorative piece. Unfortunately, our apartment’s lack of functional space leaves little room for displaying items like this, so I placed it on the kitchen counter in between the plethora of kitchen appliances.  It’s not ideal, but it freshens up the counter a bit.

The test tube spice rack next to the vase is a
previous DIY project.

I also placed two metal trivets on two metal hooks, all from Ikea, on the wall above the kitchen counter.  This backsplash area is much larger than it should be, as I have mentioned before, so the trivets help break up this openness.

I have also thought about adding a removable backsplash similar to the two examples below (each with tutorials on how to make it removable), but I worry that it’s not worth spending the time and money on a big improvement like this in our current apartment. I might save that project for our next apartment.

via Door Sixteen
via Four Generations One Roof

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